Wednesday 22 January 2014

Locations we filmed in 

Editing and Blogging Vlog


1000 hits!!

facebook page

The Breakfast Club Remake Facebook Page
I have created a Facebook page for our remake of 'The Breakfast Club' . I have and will be publishing images of the filming process as well as the movie clip when it has been edited. This will allow views and persuade the audience to watch our remake of the breakfast club before it is released .
Images of our costumes, shots and recordings of interviews from the characters well be posted on this Facebook as well .

ana's vlog

Vlog 1

Photographs of the jumpers I wore for Ally , 'The Basketcase' character from 'The Breakfast Club '.

remake of the breakfast club ana

Idea for short film

A lot of the teen films I have encountered begin with a monologue, and I was think of interesting ways to formulate one (aesthetically). I thought that the camera could jump between shots of the school and actual story, but keep referencing back to the speaker. I thought we could film someone and add one of two effects, project an image on to them or edit a video/images on top. The background images could help to determine what mood the scene held, if we shot a video of a desolate forest then there would be an eery mood and such. I mocked up some stills on photoshop and took one with a projector to see how hey would come out, the projector is easier but we would need a projector and it also leaves a shadow (which I don't actually mind).

I think that the projected one has a better outcome, but I used a strange image for the photoshop so that might have been the problem.

Monday 20 January 2014

Breakfast Club opening - costume

For our shot-by-shot remake of the Breakfast Club opening, we had to look into different stereotypes to find which outfits, styles and natures fitted with different stereotypes. I played the jock and the geek, and I did some brief research into each character genotype.

This was the shirt that we used for the geek outfit, I thought it was funny because the shirt has smaller shirts on it. For the jock outfit we used an oversized sports jacket, but we had to change 'actor' for the second half, and the outfit changed in the process.

Friday 17 January 2014

Remake of the Breakfast Club - Props

In the movie they use as props; 4 cars, a montage of the different things in a a school and a school. We werent able to use actual cars so we thought and said to use toy cars instead. I brought in 4 toy cars with the same colour and hopefully type of car that were in the film. We used our own college outside to film the cars and make it look as close as to the original movie.
We also filmed a motage of our own school just like they had it in the movie. We used the halls, cantine and clock  as they did in the movie. We also filmed outside of school to have a longshot of the building just like they did in the movie aswell

 We tried to use places inthe college which wouldn't be to out of place such as using blank backgrounds than using different backgrounds such as ones with college news and work from other students.

Remake of The Breakfast Club - Costume

We had to remake the intro to The Breakfast Club and use the same shots that they did in their movie. Also we had to make sure that the characters were dressed like they are in the movie because we had to make sure that the audience is able to tell who's the 'princess', the 'brain' etc. Props were very important in the remake because it makes people notice who is who.

For the princess, they had to dress like a young girl would and so our character in the remake wore a leather jacket and a ling turtle neck which I think was a good idea because like the princess in the movie she wore a very big jacket which I think relates to the princwaa character. She also had to wear minimal make up and act very stuck up and as if she knew everything as part of her character.

The nut case, in the movie, wore all black and her hair down with a big bag. We were able to copy this so that the person who acted like the nut case wore all black with a weird scarf (which the nutcase also had) and a big bag to make her seem more like the nut case in the movie. In the movie she didn't say very much so in the ontro we didn't let the person acting as her talk.

I played the criminal and I think that i wore things that would show that I'm that character in the movie. I wore the long coat and boots just like he did and stroll across the car like if I didn't care. He has a very 'I don't care' front that he puts up because of his past and I think i was able to adapt that.


Here are a few pictures so that you can have an idea of what we were dressed in. We all spoke about the costume before we started filming so that we all had a clear idea of what we would wear. By doing this we could improvose on how to act and to relate to how they acted. all in all, we were planning all of this so we could make the best, shot by shot remake.

Thursday 16 January 2014

Props and costumes for our remake of the Breakfast Club opening.

                                                          Our props and costumes

For our remake of The Breakfast club opening we had to bring costumes and props for our characters and the setting. One of the props we brought were toy cars. The reason for this is because in the opening every teenager was in a car and because we don't drive cars or own one we obviously had to bring them in. We put the cars in front of the camera to make it look like we are actually in one.

We brought costumes in to represent our character and we had a jock, for a jock we brought a baseball jacket and a casual t-shirt to wear. For the princess we had a nice red jumper similar to the girl in the opening, although red is not what typically a 'princess' would wear, as it was a remake of the movie we tried to keep it similar as possible. For the character we call the 'brain' we kept it nice and simple with a t-shirt which isn't anything extreme. For the character that walks out of the car trying to say goodbye but without managing to, the car drives away, we had a black jacket, a scarf, to try to make her look like the girl in the opening and that's about it.

Note: The pictures are not the props we used but they are just an idea of how they look.

Wednesday 15 January 2014

Title Sequence – Order of Titles

I chose to use this title sequence because I just really enjoyed watching it, and it was set out in quite unconventional way. I'm assuming it actually start with the producers, although they weren't in this clip.

It is strange because the first name that comes up in the sequence is the Robert Gordon, who did the screenplay for the film. This is strange because normally the first name would be the director or an actor (if they were very famous). It then goes to what the film was based on, which i'm assuming is pretty standard. It the goes : producers, executive producers, director of photography, production designer, editor, costume designer, music, co-producer, associate producers, visual effects supervisor, Jim Carrey, title, list of the other actors, casters and then the FINAL two things said are Nickelodeon films (the distributor) and Brad Siberling (the director). These two are generally right at the start of any film, and are repeated throughout. I think that this film mixed it around because the intro is quite long and arty, so they didn't want to cut any but didn't want the names forgotten.

Sunday 12 January 2014

Title Sequences- Order of titles

First of all, what IS a title sequence?

A title sequence is the method by which films or television programs present their title, key production and cast members, or both, utilizing conceptual visuals and sounds. It usually follows but should not be confused with the opening credits as they are generally nothing more than a series of superimposed texts.

An example of a title sequence:

In the title sequence the first thing you see before anything else, are the logos of the production companies and distribution companies. The reason for this is because the companies provide money for the movies to be shot and put forward through to the media and would therefore have their logos of their companies to be the first thing the audience would see whilst watching the movie. An advantage of this is that the audience would familiarise themselves with the idents of the company which means they would become more famous. Therefore another advantage is that if the movie becomes famous then it is likely for the production companies to become more known to the population and to successful business companies which will bring in money.

After seeing the production and distribution companies being presented to the audience, a list of names come up for e.g. telling us who the director of the movie is, characters name, movie name etc. Furthermore, what happens sometimes in the title sequence is that you have the name of a person and that happens sometimes because the person is hugely important in the movie perhaps the main character. This happens usually before signing a contract as they would want their name before anything else or they won't participate. An example of this is in the movie 'Heathers' the name Winona Ryder comes up before any other and this is called a auteur. 

One thing I learnt is that production and distribution companies would show their idents first, if they pay for the movie why wouldn't they? They try to become known in the media industry and in other types of businesses in case the movie does get a hit.