Friday 17 January 2014

Remake of the Breakfast Club - Props

In the movie they use as props; 4 cars, a montage of the different things in a a school and a school. We werent able to use actual cars so we thought and said to use toy cars instead. I brought in 4 toy cars with the same colour and hopefully type of car that were in the film. We used our own college outside to film the cars and make it look as close as to the original movie.
We also filmed a motage of our own school just like they had it in the movie. We used the halls, cantine and clock  as they did in the movie. We also filmed outside of school to have a longshot of the building just like they did in the movie aswell

 We tried to use places inthe college which wouldn't be to out of place such as using blank backgrounds than using different backgrounds such as ones with college news and work from other students.

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