Sunday 5 January 2014

The Bling Ring Write Up

The Bling Ring Movie Write Up

The burglars in the movie are teenagers, teenagers that desire the need to feel special and  certain importance in them by stealing loads of celebrity goods. They want to possess many expensive things they know that they can never have, live the life that stands a chance of one to a million for them and even steal money from the famous people in Hollywood. I think that what they have in common for many teen movies is that they have their own role models they admire and that they look up to, want to live the life that celebs live. A lot of teenagers feel the same so to some extent we can relate to how they feel. However, what differs them from many other teenagers is that we do not go and rob celebs and therefore this is something very unusual  but on the other hand, enjoyable to watch because we know that we can never do something like that.

The montage title sequence is very conventional as it informs us by hinting to us what is going to happen as it conveys a lot of information in a relatively short period using small shots of the movie. Due to the montage title sequence we know that these teenagers deal, party a lot, steal money, wear things that do not belong to them, leave evidence behind etc. For example, in the montage title sequence investigators come in Paris Hilton's home and take pictures of the scene where the teenagers steal things. You have many items being thrown in the plastic wallets and huge print saying EVIDENCE which means they're in the middle of an investigation in finding out who is responsible for this. Another example of the investigation in the montage title sequence is as they are on CCTV footage and on TV as well which the reporters reffering them as 'The Bling Ring'. It foreshadows a lot as it has a clip of people filming Niki (Emma Watson) where she says that she is a firm believer in karma and definitely has learnt something from this lesson. This is shown in the title sequence and at the end too. In the beginning we do not quite understand this but do have some idea on what's going to happen due to all the hints, it foreshadows a lot and then appears in the end again which makes sense in the end and clear.

As it is based on teenagers, the beginning of the film is very typical as its location for the movie is in a high school which shows they are educated youths. Another typical feature that happens at the start of the movie is as an outsider comes into a new school and becomes friends with people that causes the outsider nothing but pure trouble and a movie example of this typical feature is Mean Girls. Another typical feature of this teen movie is as the group of teenagers are a clique and this is something that are found in most teen movies because it is something that is understandable to the viewers and something you can relate to.

Binary oppositions in Bling ring is rich vs poor and this is as the teenagers are only people that go to school, they don't have money to posess million of dollars home or famous expensive designer clothes, shoes etc that rich people do. They are just normal students however, they don't want to accept the fact that they're just normal students as they want to live the life of the rich. For example, as they steal designer clothes, money, party like celebs and go to school like they're as important to the society as the Hollywood celebs are like Paris Hilton. Paris Hilton and other Hollywood celebs can afford anything they want however, these teenagers can't, therefore rich vs poor. Another binary opposition is authority vs no authority. In any teen movies you have the authorities telling you what to do and what not e.g. you have your parents and in this teen movie they have their parents doing this. However, it's not just them but the police as they land in jail, they get taken away in court and then in jail and they have the authority whereas, these teenagers don't.

The teenagers in the clique portray their passion for fashion and style as they look at some magazines of celebrities wearing nice chanel items on them, prada items etc. They have a lot of knowledge when it comes to fashion clothes etc as they They admire them for their sense of style which is is ironic because they rob it afterwards. 

This is based on a true story where people would rob celebs house and one of the victims were Paris Hilton.  This video is a report on this case:

This interview of the director Sofia Coppola:
Paris Hilton's thoughts and feelings:
Behind the scenes:

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