Tuesday 24 December 2013

The Bling Ring

The  Bling Ring

The film opening was convectional as their are flash forwards at the start of the end of the movie and the teenagers stealing goods from a celebrities house. In addition ,the montage title sequence foreshadows what happens in the movie ,for example the shots of high heels , Facebook ,Pariz Hilton and jewelery gives the audience an idea of the movie being a burglary by young people linked to celebrities.This shown through mise en scene ; plastic bags with objects and a note pad with 'Evidence'.

This movie focuses on fame ,money and drugs , we see a shot at the start 
where Lindsay Lohan is arrested from drugs , which leads to the teenagers in the movie doing the same things as they are so focused on what celebrities are doing . Most teenagers are also obsessed and  want an inside look into the real life of these celebrities.

The Bling Ring is  based on  true events of  burglaries at Paris Hilton; Lindsay Lohan; Orlando Bloom and Miranda Kerr; Brian Austin Green and Megan Fox; Rachel Bilson; and Audrina Patridge homes.

Here is a short interview with  Paris Hilton sharing her opinion of the movie and her thought of the burglary :

The title of the movie and title sequences is  bright yellow in a dom diagonal font ,giving a stylish , modern ,friendly and casual look.
Throughout the movie heavy,loud,pop and hip hop/rap  music is played which stereotypes  their bad behavior and popularity. In the opening of 'The Bling Ring' Crown on the ground by Sleigh Bells is played.

The film followed conventions in terms of location ,characters ,story line and binary oppositions.
The location shown in the opening of 'The Bling Ring ' are a kitchen, bedroom and a school ,these are typical settings for teenagers to be at the start of a movie .We can also stereotype the characters in the movie by how they look for example the celebrities are wealthy ,beautiful people with perfect hair and body shape ,where as the teenagers are seen as ordinary teenagers ,however they want the glamours life.

 Rich VS Poor 

 The teenagers are shown wearing sober coloured clothes ; jeans, jackets and hoodies .Whereas the 'millionaire' Paris Hilton is wearing top designers and diamonds.

Teen VS Authority 

The teenagers are always in authority by the police ,parents and teachers.

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