Tuesday 3 December 2013

What Happens at The Start Of a Film?


Usually when you have the title sequence before the movie you have the production company and distributors logos so we know who has funded the movie and then e get into who was involved in making it for example; actors, producers, director, camera person etc. Sometimes we see what the actors do in the movie so we have an idea of what kind of character they are.

You also get in the title sequence little previews of what is in the movie before you see it but this only happens in some movies not all. There is also music during the title sequence which is like a mood setter for the beginning of the movie such as if it was a scary movie you would have slow or fast past music, usually instrumental not with lyrics. Also you some times get voice overs and writing on the screen so we can follow what he/she is saying.

We chose to analyse Scott Pilgrim vs the world's title sequence. In the title sequence we see  the Universal logo. While the Universal logo is shown we hear the Universal theme song which is played in a video game kind of sound which makes us think what is in the movie is joint to the idea of video games. 

We then get a voice over, mans voice, and tells us a little bit of the movie such as where it is set and the name of one of the characters in the movie. The voice over seems to be a narrator sort of person and not someone we would see in the movie. He has a deep voice and talks at a slow pace which makes us think that it's like the beginning
of an adventure and he's giving us the back up story. Another link we made was that the Charlie and The Chocolate factory (recent one) also has a deep voice narrator. 

In the clip we see the characters of the movie and with that we get a side box which tell us their names and their age as well as other small bits of information. They also include edits such as writing with sounds like ring of the door bell and the banging of the drumsticks. 

Near the end of the clip we then see them start playing in their band a very up beat song. While this happens we see the title of the movie and then we get into the different people who were involved in the making of the film. In the background we have sort of scribbles and block colours which you could say contributes to the sound of the music being played.

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