Wednesday 18 December 2013


The Bling Ring had a conventional sort of opening apart from some non conventional things that you would see in teen films. For the title sequence we had a photomontage of different things like; Facebook, the news, shots of shoes, jewellery, the key characters etc. From this we can already tell what kind of movie we will see. You also get the idea thatthis is a teenage film because of thw setting, which is in a high school, and the kind of music that they play, which is modern and what teenagers listen to.

The film followed the conventional terms of a teenage film by the location, tyoe of characters, sound area of the film, story line and the binary opposition that you usually see in a teenage movie. The location was in a school like i said before and so we immediately that this is about something to do with school and the teenagers inside.

The characters of a teen film are usually popular, beautifuly people and then you have different stereotypical groups. In this film you do have the beautiful, rich people but there isn't a very high school kind of movie but more about teenagers that do ilegal things. The music goes with the idea of a teenage movie because you hear a lot of modern music that teenagers listen to.

The story fits in with the idea of a teen movie because the story line to Bling Ring is teens that do drugs, parties and going to clubs. These teenagers do what normal teenagers do and a little bit more because of all the drugs they do as well as steal.

There arE teenage binary oppositions that you can associate with different teen movies that you see in The Bling Ring.




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