Wednesday 11 December 2013

Storyline ,Openings and Binary Oppositions

Storyline ,Openings and Binary Oppositions

Binary Oppositions is a pair of opposites , which powerfully forms and establish conflict which helps creates  a story line in a film. In Teen films you are able to see these binary oppositions in the opening.

In today's lessons we watched four different openings of teen movies with different story lines which were ; Ferris Buellers day off, 10 things I hate about you , Romeo and Juliet and Princess diaries .
I compared the different binary oppositions at the start of each opening of the film  to see the effects it gives to the movie . By watching these opening I have noticed that one side of the binary pair is always seen by  a particular society or culture as more valued over the over .

In Romeo and Juliet several binary oppositions are used to show the differences between the Montague's and Capulet's in the movie . The story line set up in the opening scene shows the Montague's and Capulet's fighting in a petrol station ,they are perceived as yellow vs blue , the Capulet's are  Latin Americans and the Montague's are White Americans.We can also see the binary oppositions (Montague's and Capulet's) immediately  through mise en scene and sound .
                       Punk VS Cowboy 
The Montagues arrive at the petrol station with a yellow convertible car.They are identified by music ; diagetic sound coming from the car stereo such as  heavy bass , rock /hip hop music is used when the camera faces  the Montagues , which shows their crazy and comical character.On the other hand  when the capulets arrive to the petrol station the camera pans to Tybalts and back down to his boot. The Cuban heels represents self respect and the use of Non - Diagetic sound such as Western music shows Tybalt's importance as a Capulet and control over the situation.                                                                        

           Casual  VS Sophisticated 
 The Montagues wear bright , bold ,loose and unbuttoned  Hawaiian T-shirts and chains which shows that the Montagues are casual ,relaxed  and  that they are not as high classed compared to the Capulets Whereas the Capulets were dressed very formally wearing black blazers which implies seriousness , a red vest  with a picture of Mary and leather trousers. This proves that the Capulet's are wealthy ,religious and power compared to the Montagues.


      Yellow VS Blue

The two distinct colours represent the difference between both house holds , this is showed clearly to the audience by the number plates on each car showing the first three letters of the families name.
The montagues car is bright yellow which suggest peace , happiness and adolescence ,where as the Capulets windoes are faded and the car is navy which creates mystery and sophistication.

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