Tuesday 10 December 2013

Teen movies, task 2.

One teen movie I picked out is mean girls. Mean girls are targeted mainly towards females. The whole movie is based on female problems and lives which us teenagers relate to. It is based in a high school setting where we could compare our lives with theirs. You have boyfriend drama, mean popular girls and the new girl that doesn't make many friends but in the end reaches to a stage where they become popular in their generation. This all occurs in our high school life which makes it more enjoyable and meaningful to understand and watch. This wouldn't really attract males because there isn't much in the movie to attract males attention into watching it other than having the popular steal someone's boyfriend etc. The main character is Lindsey Lohan and she is a popular actress which has a lot of female admirers which means it attracts more fans to watch it.

One teen movie I picked out is '17 again' with the famous actor Zac Efron. For this movie I believe that the target audience is a mix match of males and females. This is because it involves both lives of each gender which attract a lot more people to watch it  However, as Zac Efron is the main character females would be attracted into watching him more which wins a lot of fans. This is a comedy film and it is a high school based movie which teenagers can relate to and enjoy more watching it.

Another teen movie is Twilight and it is a series of romance fantasy films which is targeted mainly towards females. Although you have main characters that is a male, it doesn't really appeal to males in general to watch as it has got to do with romance and typically they would watch action, comedy etc. Here we have the main character as Robert Pattison which appeared in a Harry Potter movie, the Goblet of Fire which made a huge success across the whole globe which means this therefore would attract a lot more people into watching Twilight. 

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