Wednesday 11 December 2013


Binary Oppositions are two different ways/styles against each other which help create a story line in a film. In Teen films (most films) you are able to see these binary oppositions in the opening. There is a whole range of binary oppositions that relate to teen movies such as typical ones like authority vs teenagers etc. The binary oppositions are there to set an atmosphere about what the movie entails.

Here are a few movies which show binary oppositions:

Romeo and Juliet:

This movie has binary oppositions that you can notice straight awat such as the two families against each other; Montague vs Capulet. we see this is the mise en scene. Montagues have a yellow car and the Capulets have blue one. 

The cars are two distinct colours to show the huge differences between the households. The number plate also has the beginning letters of the family names (Cap/Mon). 

Other binary oppositions that Romeo and Juliet have are:
  • Casual vs Sophisticated (the way they're dressed)
  • Religious Iconology vs Secular
  • Cow Boy vs Punk
  • Comedic vs Serious
  • Brave and Scared
These are all shown just in the beginning opening of the film which help anticipate about what the movie might be about.

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