Monday 6 January 2014


Beastly is a teenage movie about two people fall in love under weird circumstances. It is a typical high school, teenage movie with conventional terms in location, type of characters, sound played, the storyline and the binary oppositions.
At the begining of the film you first see the companies that helped make the film and then then you see the name of the film. Once the films started you get introduced to the main character which is a conventional way to start a teen movie. It then goes into a series of shots of New York City which gives us a feel of the atnmosphere of the movie which is that is based in a city. When the film starts you go to the first scene in hishgschool which helps give us the idea that this is a teen movie.
The filmed followed the conventional themes for a teen movie. In location you had minimal settings such as school, a house and a party. This was enough to tell us this was a teen film. You also had the stereotypical characters that you see in teen movies. You had; The rich handsome boy, the beautiful people, ugly people and weird people.
The storyline is typical of a teen movie because its about two young people that fall in love but not in the typical way because he isn't who she thinks he is until the end of the movie. It also involves magic which you can relate to what some teenagers do just to experiment with different things. the music they play is also very modern which relates to teen movies because its what teenagers listen to.
There are also binary oppositions in the movie such as;
Beauty and the Beast 
Popular vs Un-popular

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